Intelligent and automatic battery chargers
With our wide range of battery chargers, there is always a battery charger that meets your wishes and requirements. The battery charger you ultimately need will of course depend on a number of specifications. What kind of battery do you want to charge, what charging voltage do you need and what functionalities do you want? These are all questions that help determine which battery charger is suitable.
Due to the many different terms and models, many people can no longer see the wood for the trees and it is not clear which charger is suitable for their battery. Intelligent and automatic battery chargers, trickle charger or a smart charger?
Intelligent battery chargers, also known as smart chargers, are battery chargers that charge in different steps. The more steps, the more intelligent the charger! More steps also means longer charging. This keeps the battery in optimal condition. The IBC and DFC series are intelligent battery chargers from Pro-User Electronics. Varying from 6V to 24V charging voltage. Intelligent chargers are also automatic chargers. Otherwise this is not the case! Automatic chargers charge quickly and are widely used in workshops, for example. If you are looking for this, then the MCH series fits perfectly!
All our chargers are trickle chargers. This option ensures that a battery never becomes empty or deeply discharged. This is also known as maintenance mode.